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Effects of wood polymers and extractives on the adsorption of wet-end chemicals and the properties of the paper sheet

Date: 1.1.1996-31.12.1998
Code: K7617
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Chemical Engineering (KTF), Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry
Address: Porthansgatan 3, FIN-20500 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 229
Fax +358-2-2154 868
E-mail bjarne.holmbom@abo.fi
Project leader: TkD Bjarne Holmbom, professor (1.2.1996-)
Researchers: TkL Anna Sundberg (1.4.1996-31.12.1996)
DI Stefan Willför (1.1.1996-)
Type of research: 1 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 70 %
- applied research 30 %
Finnish funding organizations: Tekes, Helsingfors (Vähävetinen paperinvalmistus) FIM 350000
Industri () FIM 80000
Man months: Totally: 18 months
Partners: Åbo Akademi, Institutionen för papperskemi
Contacts: Koordineras av DataCity Center
Keywords: pappersframställning, papper, vattenanalys, paperinvalmistus, paperi, vesianalyysi, pappersframställning, papper, pappersegenskaper, kemisk analys, vedharts, hemicellulosor, pektiner, våtändskemi, papermaking, paper, paper properties, chemical analysis, wood resin, hemicelluloses, pectins, wet-end chemistry,

The aim of the project is to determine the effects of surface adsorption and deposition of wood resin, glucomannans, pectins and common fixing agents on the properties of various pulps fibres, both in water systems and in paper sheets.Various amounts of pure detrimental substances are adsorbed/deposited onto washed pulps such as bleached kraft pulp and TMP.Handsheets are prepared and the sheets are analysed chemically and tested for various paper properties.


11.3.1996 / 12.6.1998